Sunday, May 31, 2020

Artist Scott Listfield Toungue - In - Cheek Science Fiction or Dystopian Prophet?

Maybe it is just me but somehow Scott Listfields’ Art is prophetic. The spirit of creativity is often tapping into a frequency. The frequency of life is always fluctuating. Tapping into the universe can often deliver abundance. In art there is freedom. Dystopian , apocalyptic vision is not far from reality. The world has taken a very dark turn. 2020 will be one for the books.  No doubt! Please follow the links below to link with Scott Listfield.  Subscribe on all platforms. 


"It’s a weird time to be opening an art show, but here we are. My show This Is America opens TODAY at @thinkspace_art . I recently learned that I will be able to be present in the gallery at the opening events, and I hope you will tune in online, and say hi. "

Here is the schedule of events:

May 30, 12PM PST: professional video tour goes live on @thinkspace_art account Instagram TV

May 30, 1-2PM PST: Virtual opening LIVE on Instagram at @thinkspace_art . Tour the new exhibitions + artists will discuss their new shows.

May 31, 2PM PST: Full set of installation photos up on Thinkspace Facebook and blog

June 1, 4PM PST: Self-guided virtual tour goes up on all platforms

Up NOW: Look for my interview with Thinkspace on their blog,

#scottlistfield #thinkspaceprojects #thisisamerica

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