Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is this The Real Face of Lady Gaga ?

  Could Lina Morgana be the authentic Image behind Lady Gagas masquerade  get up ?  A hauntingly similar ora emerges in comparisons between the two . Lina living a truly tragic existence resulting in her youthful suicide threads a string of doubt through the costume of public image . Lina may not sing as strong as Gaga but there will be no mistaking striking similarities . In studying Linas videos I found her to be The very persona Lady Gaga portrays .  Lina's sadness and physical manurisms are almost mirror like to the  pop superstar ! Lina threw herself off a Staten Island hotel rooftop one month before Lady Gaga was formally introduced to the world . I thought that Paperazzi video was a little "over the top" with the the physical pushing of a woman over a balcony . Coincidence ??? A bit in poor taste now that this tragic tale follows . Are we so hungry for people to go "gaga" that we sell out anothers existence ? Peddle anothers song with no rumors or second thought ? For the sake of all our individuality I hope not .               

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